Reduced sodium; bold flavor without compromise
Low-Sodium Ingredient provides manufacturers natural full salty flavor for high-quality prepared foods—without the high sodium content and without an aftertaste.
Salt of the Earth’s Low-Sodium Ingredient offers the perfect balance of sodium chloride—sourced from the azure waters of the Red Sea—and potassium chloride from the mineral-rich waters Dead Sea.
The ideal solution for food-category positioning
With heightened awareness of hidden salt in processed foods, the propriety blended Low-Sodium Ingredient helps commercial producers reduce sodium anywhere from 28 to 66 percent while enhancing important trace minerals.
Low-Sodium Ingredient can be added to the food production process easily. It has a long shelf life, is highly heat-stable and has no preservatives.
Maintaining peak flavor in food applications
Here are just a few products that are perfect for Low-Sodium Ingredient:
meat and savsages
Breads and rolls
Breakfast cereals
Ready meals and side dishes
Flatbreads and crackers
Savory crisps and chips
Pretzels and whole-grain snacks
Nuts and seeds
With expert food science R&D, Salt of the Earth can also product tailor made low-sodium formulation solutions to manufacturers’ specific needs.