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Insight-analyze your genetic data
Insight-analyze your genetic data
  Kazerin, Israel
Define risk factors that may blemish YOUR health and quality of life. 
Insight is a revolutionary unique test that utilizes an innovative technology to highlight YOUR genetic and physiological identity. Consequently, vulnerabilities and susceptibilities could be mastered and trimmed by early detection and relevant medical recommendations.
Quality of life is a subject of personal choice, priorities and points of view. In our society daily options regarding nutrition, physical exercise, medical follow up and pleasure affect dramatically one's quality of life.
Based on analysis of YOUR genetic and physiological identity, Insight provides genetic and medical info on various facets of life. It embraces genetic diseases and syndromes, personalized medicine along with personalized nutrition and sports activities. Information is accessible, clear and simplified. Use it and take responsibility on your life and health. 
Insight will analyze YOUR genetic data and provide you with a report which addresses genetic findings and medical risk factors, along with vulnerabilities, susceptibilities and measures of strength. Every six months your genetic information will be re-processed according to new findings in the medical and scientific world and an updated report will be generated. 
Therefore the info provided by Insight will serve you through life, in both health and disease, and obviate the need to conduct other genetic tests in the future. Upon request, Insight can also provide you with recommendations according to YOUR genetic background, regarding any expected medical procedure, administration of new drugs or other medical or life-style personal decisions.
Here are examples of what an Insight report, based on YOUR genetic data, will include:
• Screening for hundreds of recessive genetic diseases
• Oncogenetic  - cancer risk factors
• Cardio genetic susceptibilities
• Genetic data that addresses thrombophilia
• Information about genetic sensitivity of developmental       deficiencies – autisms, dyslexia ect.
• Information about genetic sensitivity to nephrology diseases
• Genetic sensitivity to drugs and medication
• Genetic sensitivity to food and nutrition
• Matching sport and exercise according the genetic background
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