Two component paints for floors coating. Epoxy paints line for application on concrete. Designed to make the floor washable, durable in moderate loads and lend it a uniform look. Used to refresh the color, obtain a decorative look and protect the concrete from chemicals
Product code No. Part A : 577-741
Part B : 577-702
Product Description Two-component (Part A + Part B) Glossy, solvent free epoxy coating. Used
as a self leveling finish 0.5mm to 1.5mm thick. Can by cast as grout (epoxy
concrete type) to a thickness of 5 to 15mm.
Special features Excellent water impermeability and good resistance to numerous
chemicals, grease and solvents. Resistant to wear and mechanical stress.
Easily cleaned. Highly convenient application during summer and winter.
Superior self leveling properties and deep penetration into concrete floors.
Suggested uses Designed as a high quality floors coating
Usage Instructions Open the packaging carefully. Add part B into part A while mixing and then
add the fine aggregate (sand) at the required proportion, according to the
desired coat type (see below). To obtain a homogenous mixture, it is
recommended to mix it in a dedicated container, equipped with a
mechanical mixer.
Mixing ratio by
A :B = 100:60
Color Add color, by adding a paste in RAL colors to the mixture.
Aggregate addition Aggregate/ pigment mixing ratio:
a. For self leveling coating: Pigment : Aggregate (size 0.1-0.4) = 1:2
b. For grout coating: Pigment : Aggregate (in three sized from 0.1 to
2.5mm) = 1:5-7.
Pot life After mixing 3 hours at 23°C. Do not mix quantities which cannot be applied within the
indicated pot-life. Temperatures rise rapidly in the mixing container. Rapid
application of the coating on the surface enables heat dissipation and
contributes to prolonged pot-life.
V.O.C. 0 g/liter
Surface preparation
and specification
Allow the concrete to cure for 28 days. Surface shall be dry, clean and free
of grease, laitance and loose particles. Remove all dirt and dust preferably
using a vacuum cleaner. Roughen the surface when needed using shot
blast, sand blast or a fraser. Maximum permitted water contents in the
concrete you wish to coat is 3%.
Application of self
leveling coating
Primer: Apply one coat of TAMFLOOR TR (A+B) without aggregate. Apply
using a short haired brush or roller.
Cracks and Holes filling: It is recommended to prepare a mixture of one part
TAMFLOOR Coating TR (A+B) and 5 parts fine aggregate and apply it directly
on the primer coat.
Topcoat: Apply the topcoat using a brush or a roller once the repairs are
completed. Produced by Tambour, Authorized by the Israeli Institute of Standards, complying with ISO 9001 September 28, 2008 Page | 2
Special remarks Direct exposure to sunlight may affect the gloss and fade the color, without
affecting any other properties of the product. Gloss may be also affected during
service and wear.
Grout application Primer: apply one coat of TAMFLOOR TR (A+B) without aggregate and without
a thinner, about 300 microns thick. Apply a second coat of a mixture containing
thin aggregate in a 7/1 ratio to the epoxy. Apply using a trowel made of plastic.
You may also use a special compacting machine. There should be not interval
between the coats application when the mixture does not contain thinners.
Topcoat: Apply an epoxy free of aggregates coat as a sealant topcoat over the
Touch dry**
8 hours.
Time to step over**
24 hours.
Hard coat**
7-14 days.
Shelf life**
24 months.
Cleaning Thinner 4-100
Application remarks Do not apply when temperature is below 10ºC and when the relative humidity
exceeds 80%.
Caution Any work that includes application and use of this product shall be
performed according to the applicable Safety, Health and Environmental
regulations. Read the safety precautions and the warnings specified in
the Safety Data Sheet, available at Tambour Safety Department and
indicated on the product’s label.
Keep away from fire and sparks. Inedible. Provide adequate ventilation
of the work space. Use appropriate protective means, as indicated in
the Safety Data Sheet.
Do not inhale fumes when spraying this product.
General comments Data presented here is based on our best knowledge and experience. We
reserve the right to update and/or alter it without prior notice. Achievement of the
best desired results is subject to proper application in strict conformance to our
instructions and safety measures. Before application, the user should verify that
the product is indeed designed for the intended usage and that the surfaces to be
painted are properly prepared, and are suitable for the product’s application.
* Practical spreading rate can vary, depending on the surface, the
application mode, the painter’s skill and weather conditions at the site.
Assume approximately 75% of the calculated spreading rate.
** At 25ºC and 65% relative humidity