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anti theft devicesanti theft devices
anti theft devices
  Petach Tiqwa, Israel

What is a Safe™ and why do you need one?

On average any car can be stolen in less than 45 seconds. Our patented product physically encloses the engine computer, aftermarket 'leech' or any other system in such a way as to prevent access and disconnection of the computer, making theft highly impractical to impossible by any thief.

These days, 90% of vehicles are stolen by what we call 'ECU replacement'.

In a modern car, the engine will not start unless the computer receives information from the vehicle's systems that the key in the ignition is authorized to start.

Inside the key of every car nowadays is a small chip called a 'Transponder'. This chip is coded and matched to the vehicle's computers.

When the key is in the vicinity of the ignition switch, it transmits its code to the car. If the code matches the car's code, then when the key is eventually turned, the engine computer will start the engine. If the code does not match, it will not.

In order to steal a car nowadays, the thieves come prepared with a preprogrammed engine computer that doesn't require a code or a computer from another car, with its matching key. They simply disconnect the original computer and connect theirs, start the engine and drive away.

This simple method allows any car to be stolen and is the way it is done, no matter if it's a Ferrari or a Hyundai.

Regarding aftermarket alarms and immobilizer systems; these are no problem for any thief. They are all fitted the same way and stop the engine from starting by cutting or short circuiting a wire necessary for the engine to start. All thieves know where these systems' 'leeches' are attached. They simply cut or reconnect the wires.

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