he predatory bug, Orius laevigatus, belongs to the family Anthocoridae, which are minute pirate bugs. The species Orius laevigatus is found throughout the Mediterranean basin, from the Atlantic region of Western Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean, including Israel.
Target Pests
Orius bugs are used throughout the world for thrips control. They prefer certain types of prey: various thrips species (especially the western flower thrips), aphids, whiteflies, mites and moth eggs. Predatory bugs of the genus Orius are omnivorous, i.e. feed on pollen and plant sap as well as on live prey. Being a generalist predator, O. laevigatus may consume whiteflies and spidermites if present at the vicinity of thrips. The alternative prey helps O. laevigatus maintain its population in the absence of thrips. This contributes significantly to the efficacy of O. laevigatus.
Orius is observed on trees, shrubs, and in dozens of agricultural crops such as strawberries, sweet peppers, melons, beans, basil, cotton, alfalfa and corn.
O. laevigatus is a small insect (1.5-2.5 mm in length) equipped with piercing-sucking mouthparts, and two pairs of wings, the front pair being partially rigid. The adult is brown-black with grey spots. Male and female can be distinguished by the tip of their abdomen, which is pointed in the female. The female’s ovipositor may be visible using a magnifying glass.
Bio® Orius – The Product
O. laevigatus is packed in a 100 cc bottle containing 1,000 predatory bugs out of which at least 80% are adults and the rest are 4th and 5th instar nymphs. The bugs are mixed in a vermiculite carrier.
The material can be either dispersed from the bottle directly over the plants or applied by especially designed distribution boxes that are hung on the plants.
If necessary Bio®Orius can be stored for 24 hours at room temperature (13-25°C). In any case the bottle should never be left under direct sunlight.
Bio®Orius is compatible with selective conventional chemicals (according to the list of compatible chemicals provided by BioBee).
Prior to opening the bottle it should be rotated gently, while in horizontal position, to allow proper mixing of the bugs in the vermiculite carrier.
Application of Bio®Orius should be carried out upon receipt either early in the morning or late in the afternoon, under relatively mild temperatures. It is not recommended to delay the application of Bio® Orius.
Bio® Orius is shipped in isolated styrofoam boxes chilled with icepacks. This packaging must be kept intact until it reaches the end-user.
The frequency of introductions should be determined according to the nature of the target crop and the level of infestation by thrips.
In crops where O. laevigatus can feed on pollen, such as sweet pepper, Bio® Orius can be introduced preventively before the appearance of the target pests, upon presence of the first flowers. The release rate depends upon the nature of the crop, the ecosystem (e.g. open field or greenhouse) and the level of pest infestation. Temperatures of 21-27°C and high humidity (above 60%) will enhance predator’s activity and ensure its success. Where pollen is not available for the predators, O. laevigatus should be introduced upon the first appearance of the target pests.
For more information please contact us.
BioBee Sde Eliyahu Ltd. produces and markets biological products. Production is carried out using innovative techniques under controlled quality assurance standards such as ISO 9001:2008, as well as IOBC’s international standards for mass-production of insects.
All products are tested to meet specification requirements before leaving the factory.
BioBee is not responsible for the outcome of implementation in the field, as it has no control over the method of application, local conditions, treatment/storage of product not according to instructions, etc.