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HOVERflexSingle Point MooringSUBflex’ new technology
Company Info
SUBflex is a submersible single point mooring (SPM) net cage system for open ocean aquaculture.The SUBflex technology is the 3rd generation of offshore aquaculture, advancing fish farming into the open seas where water quality is superior and where fish farming can co-exist with the environment, maintaining harmony with tourism, marine wildlife and coastline trade & development, not affecting nor being affected by tourist related and industrial interests.
SUBflex is a submersible single point mooring (SPM) net cage system for open ocean aquaculture.
The SUBflex technology is the 3rd generation of offshore aquaculture, advancing fish farming into the open seas where water quality is superior and where fish farming can co-exist with the environment, maintaining harmony with tourism, marine wildlife and coastline trade & development, not affecting nor being affected by tourist related and industrial interests.

Fish farming in their natural habitat

Being an offshore system, SUBflex enables natural habitat oxygen levels, excellent water exchange and essential micro-elements. These basic elements reduce the growth period and increase the yield quality. The final yield is an organic product with no use of antibiotics or any other artificial substance.


SUBflex is a US-based international company with a subsidiary in Israel. It was established in 2004, based on more than 30 years of Israeli experience in land and marine aquaculture and fish farming.
SUBflex’s pilot farm was tested in 2004 within East Mediterranean waters, 2 km off the Israeli shore. The first commercial SUBflex system (300-350 ton/year), pre-assembled on Israel’s south coast, was installed 11 km off shore at a 60 meter depth.

SUBflex’s goal is to provide innovative environment-friendly offshore aquaculture solutions that significantly improve the quality and yield of marine aquaculture around the world while still providing a cost-efficient and cost-effective system for open ocean fish farming.

Fish grown by the SUBflex system are healthier and of superb quality and as such can be expected to obtain a premium price compared to similar fish from other sources.

The “Michmoret” Pilot was installed in 2004 within East Mediterranean Israeli waters, 2 km off shore. The cages and fish (gilthead sea bream) survived 7-8 meter wave storms when submerged, and 2-3 meter waves at surface level. Open sea biological conditions have proven to be ideal: oxygen levels have been high, and constant currents provide fish with excellent water exchange.
The complex of SUBflex commercial fish farm systems (800 tons/year) assembled for the Israeli client. It is situated 11 km off shore, in the open sea, 50-60 meters deep, close to Israel’s southerncoast (the city of Ashdod). During the several winters since its assembly, the system endured a number of storms involving waves up to 9 meters (28 ft) in height. There was no damage to the cages or the fish.

The cages had been stocked with sea bream, and after 12 months, the Israeli client harvested fish weighing an average of 400 grams. The quality of fish obtained is considered excellent. Current data also suggests that the FCR (Food Conversion Ratio) may be as low as 1.6, resulting in considerable savings to the owners.

+972 50 855 5450
+972 9 796 4620
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Single Point Mooring
Single Point Mooring
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SUBflex’ new technology
SUBflex’ new technology
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