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Alum or Aluminum SulfatePotassium AluminateRecycling Technologies & waste water treatmentSodium Aluminate
Company Info
First and foremost, S² is client oriented company. It uses a flexible approach to meet its clients' varying needs. All projects are tightly coordinated with the client, in a mutual effort to ensure their success. S² is committed to:Solutions that meet highest authorities' safety and environmental standards.Sustainable technologies from both technical and economical viewpoints.Rapid implementation of full scale and durable solutions

The Company
is a technology minded company founded in 2000, proposing novel and original solutions to industrial and urban waste treatment problems, including recycle projects.

The main domains in which the company is currently active are:

Recycling of waste brines from the Aluminum processing industry into valuable chemicals used for waste water treatment and other applications.

Implementation of physico-chemical processes in a variety of applications such as: food industry, dairy farms, slaughterhouses and poultry processing, metal processing plants, plastic bottles recycling, cosmetics and oil and petrochemicals.

Improve operation and treated water quality in Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants. has performed pioneering work in the field in order to introduce this technology in Israel.

Management Team
Dr. Sammy Wahrmann, PhD from the Technion Haifa and former head of process and technology development at IMI (R&D of the ICL group)

Prof. Sami Wajc, former Head of the Chemical Engineering department of the Free University of Brussels and Chief engineer of IMI (R&D of the ICL group).
The founders have both vast experience in the chemical industry including installation and operation of several large size demonstration plants.


First and foremost, is client oriented company. It uses a flexible approach to meet its clients' varying needs. All projects are tightly coordinated with the client, in a mutual effort to ensure their success. is committed to:
  • Solutions that meet highest authorities' safety and environmental standards.
  • Sustainable technologies from both technical and economical viewpoints.
  • Rapid implementation of full scale and durable solutions.
First and foremost, is client oriented company. It uses a flexible approach to meet its clients' varying needs. All projects are tightly coordinated with the client, in a mutual effort to ensure their success. is committed to:
  • Solutions that meet highest authorities' safety and environmental standards.
  • Sustainable technologies from both technical and economical viewpoints.
  • Rapid implementation of full scale and durable solutions.


First and foremost, is client oriented company. It uses a flexible approach to meet its clients' varying needs. All projects are tightly coordinated with the client, in a mutual effort to ensure their success. is committed to:

  • Solutions that meet highest authorities' safety and environmental standards.
  • Sustainable technologies from both technical and economical viewpoints.
  • Rapid implementation of full scale and durable solutions.


First and foremost, is client oriented company. It uses a flexible approach to meet its clients' varying needs. All projects are tightly coordinated with the client, in a mutual effort to ensure their success. is committed to:
  • Solutions that meet highest authorities' safety and environmental standards.
  • Sustainable technologies from both technical and economical viewpoints.
  • Rapid implementation of full scale and durable solutions.



First and foremost, is client oriented company. It uses a flexible approach to meet its clients' varying needs. All projects are tightly coordinated with the client, in a mutual effort to ensure their success. is committed to:
  • Solutions that meet highest authorities' safety and environmental standards.
  • Sustainable technologies from both technical and economical viewpoints.
  • Rapid implementation of full scale and durable solutions.

Modus operandi


The technological solutions to be implemented at a customer's site answer the following request: The customer wants his problem solved & doesn’t care about technologies, equipments, or chemicals. He also wants the best solution from the techno-economical viewpoint.
The implementation of solutions is done in several stages. This makes the process transparent and supplies the customer with a "go no go" decision between stages.

Feasibility study

  • Definition of the customer's problem.
  • Laboratory tests at customer's site and analysis of results.
  • Study of available technologies.
  • Analysis of the existing facilities.
  • Issuing of a report including the economic justification of the proposed solution.

Preparation of an offer for implementation

  • Design of the flow sheet of the chosen technology.
  • Cost estimate of the process (equipment and variable costs).
  • Mode of implementation: turn-key or by offers from constructors.
  • Performance guarantees.


  • Follow up of implementation by constructors.
  • Running in of the plant.
  • Training of local personnel and follow up on plant's performance


First and foremost, is client oriented company. It uses a flexible approach to meet its clients' varying needs. All projects are tightly coordinated with the client, in a mutual effort to ensure their success. is committed to:
  • Solutions that meet highest authorities' safety and environmental standards.
  • Sustainable technologies from both technical and economical viewpoints.
  • Rapid implementation of full scale and durable solutions.


Yeffe Nof 10 Haifa , Israel
Alum or Aluminum Sulfate
Alum or Aluminum Sulfate
Chemical water treatment
Potassium Aluminate
Potassium Aluminate
Chemical water treatment
Recycling Technologies & waste water treatment
Recycling Technologies & waste water treatment
Water Technologies
Sodium Aluminate
Sodium Aluminate
Chemical water treatment

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