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Dead sea Salt
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Product | From Israel 
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10-kg PE bagFood ApplicationFinest Table Salt is refined natural sea salt, enhanced to improve its flow. It is high-quality edible salt, best for food applications.Salt of the Earth’s sea salt, crystalized from the clear sparkling waters of the Red Sea, captures the unique essences of the desert, sea and sun, and adds distinctive taste to any cuisine.The salt is produced by solar evaporation of seawater in open ponds located near the coast of the Red Sea.
Product | From Israel 
Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier
The innovative low-sodium liquid ingredient• MSG-free • 82% less sodium than table salt• All natural • Ideal for low-sodium recipes• Full salty taste • Robust flavorMake low-sodium products with full salty flavorUmami-Essence Sea Salt, featuring umami, the distinctive flavor-boosting 5th taste, intensifies just about any food it touches—for long-lasting enhanced taste.Umami-Essence has at least 82% less sodium than regular sea salt, so you can dramatically decrease sodium levels in new or existing product formulations. Containing no MSG or other artificial ingredients, Umami-Essence Sea Salt helps you innovate natural, healthy MSG-free recipes that don’t compromise on flavor.
Product | From Israel 
Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier
Reduced sodium; bold flavor without compromiseLow-Sodium Ingredient provides manufacturers natural full salty flavor for high-quality prepared foods—without the high sodium content and without an aftertaste.Salt of the Earth’s Low-Sodium Ingredient offers the perfect balance of sodium chloride—sourced from the azure waters of the Red Sea—and potassium chloride from the mineral-rich waters Dead Sea.The ideal solution for food-category positioningWith heightened awareness of hidden salt in processed foods, the propriety blended Low-Sodium Ingredient helps commercial producers reduce sodium anywhere from 28 to 66 percent while enhancing important trace minerals.Low-Sodium Ingredient can be added to the food production process easily. It has a long shelf life, is highly heat-stable and has no preservatives.Maintaining peak flavor in food applicationsHere are just a few products that are perfect for Low-Sodium Ingredient:meat and savsagesBreads and rollsBreakfast cerealsReady meals and side dishesFlatbreads and crackersSavory crisps and chipsPretzels and whole-grain snacksNuts and seedsTunaWith expert food science R&D, Salt of the Earth can also product tailor made low-sodium formulation solutions to manufacturers’ specific needs.
Product | From Israel 
Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier
10-kg PE bagFood ApplicationPicklingSalt Type C is refined natural sea salt. It is high-quality edible salt, best for food applications, including pickling.Salt of the Earth’s sea salt, crystalized from the clear sparkling waters of the Red Sea, captures the unique essences of the desert, sea and sun, and adds distinctive taste to any cuisine.The salt is produced by solar evaporation of seawater in open ponds located near the coast of the Red Sea.
Bath Salts from the Dead Sea
Product | From Israel 
Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier
Bath Salts from the Dead Sea with aromatic oils A natural salt with a salt content higher than other sea salts. Rich in a variety of minerals acting in combination to cleanse, moisturize, relax, nourish and invigorate the skin cells. Assists in healing wounds and skin disorders, provides an exhilarating sense of rejuvenation.
Product | From Israel 
Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier
10-kg PE bagFood ApplicationSalt Type B is refined natural sea salt. It is high-quality edible salt, best for food applications.Salt of the Earth’s sea salt, crystalized from the clear sparkling waters of the Red Sea, captures the unique essences of the desert, sea and sun, and adds distinctive taste to any cuisine.The salt is produced by solar evaporation of seawater in open ponds located near the coast of the Red Sea.
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